2012: The Year of the Woman?

31 Oct

While catching up on the news, I stumbled across this article by Marlo Thomas. In class we’ve discussed “The Year of the Woman”, or what was supposed to be that year but never quite lived up to it’s expectations. We’ve also discussed the idea that this year might actually be the Year of the Woman. This article ties both together. While we have a lot more women running for office than in the past, this article emphasizes the importance of women continuing to get involved. We can’t stop or slow down just because things look like they might get better.

A quote from the article that I thinks sums up how I feel, “Think we’re doing swimmingly now? Not quite. Women hold exactly 90 of the 535 seats in the current Congress — 17 Senators and 73 Representatives. That’s less than 17 percent of our federal legislators, when we are 51 percent of the population.”